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Montanan Frontier Land

This is a project I mayyyy not finish, personally, but I've been meaning to share the parts of my unfinished worlds with the public. Until someone asks, it's been out of sight: out of mind... what with other hobbies sucking up my time. The terrain paints need a lot of touching up, but it's a good base to get someone going.

This project was inspired by my very own hometown in Kalispell Montana. I don't mind if people would like to share any modified versions on the exchange, or wherever, as long as credit is given where it's due. :)


There's stuff you need if you want your world to look like the ones in the pictures.

Textures used:

  • LightDirt (no heightmap, just edit base layer grass) Texture is “Autumn Sand” from Martine’s Create-A-World Textures Megapack found here:

  • DarkDirt Texture is “Martine_WA_Dirt_Dark_Base” Martine’s Create-A-World Textures Megapack:

  • MountainRock is “rock_shale_base” found in CAW folders: UserToolData > SourceTextures

  • MountainTrees is “Martine_Grass_Trees” from Martine’s CAW Textures Megapack.

  • ValleyGrass is “Martine_WA_Grass_Nile_Light” from Martine’s CAW Textures Megapack.

  • HillGrass is “grass_dry” ” found in CAW folders: UserToolData > SourceTextures.

  • RiverBed is “Martine_Pond” from Martine’s CAW Textures Megapack.

  • RiverBank is “Martine_Paving_Gravel” from Martine’s CAW Textures Megapack.

  • Dandelions is “DOT08_Grass_Floral_Yellow” from the Aurora Skies textures. I got mine here:

  • RockDetail is “Martine_Rock_Shale_Detai” from Martine’s CAW Textures Megapack.

  • SnowCaps is “Martine_Snow” from Martine’s CAW Textures Megapack.

  • ValleyRocks is “DOT07_rockDark” from Monte Vista’s textures. Link:

Some rambling notes and recommendations in case you wish to keep to the theme:

This map is a representation of the Flathead Valley in Montana. Most of our river rocks have a greenish tinge, but there are black rocky formations all around the valley. though in the rivers and up by Glacier Park they can be a stunning plum color. Huckleberries, sage-brush, grass gone to seed, and lots and lots of dandelions are classic plants you’d expect to see out here. Of the trees, fir and other conifers are the norm. Most leafy exotic things dont' seem to fit in. pine trees grow in clusters around the countryside, partially covering hills, and are broken into small dense patches of forest between farmland. In the deep forest the trees have tall trunks and less branches, but at the edges, where there's more sun, the branches go all the way to the ground. Maple and chestnut trees are allowed to grow huge in the old neighborhoods, lining the streets. A variety of flowers and more exotic plants are grown around town. Lilacs are very popular. The grass doesn’t flourish hardly anywhere here, save for a brief period in springtime. After that, it starts to dry up unless it’s watered frequently. We don’t have much in the way of ferns and other lush foliage. The lumpy forest floor is pretty much comprised of pine-needles, logs, tough grasses and a diversity of wildflowers. These are the Rocky Mountains, hence, it’s a rocky land. The soil here is dusty and gray, sometimes yellowy clay powder. The topsoil was stripped away by floods, and gardening in most places sucks unless you bring dirt from somewhere else. Brown mulch is present anywhere there’s a lot of rotting vegetation, swept into trenches by rain.

Google image search for reference:

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Site Created 13/3/2014

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